Foreach Labs Nominated as Finalist of Digital Center of Slovenia

Foreach Labs Nominated as Finalist of Digital Center of Slovenia

Foreach Labs has been selected as one of the finalists of Digital Center of Slovenia for Most Innovative Companies of the Solutions Festival 2021.

The Digital Center of Slovenia has highlighted development and achievements among almost 100 most innovative Slovenian companies that participated in the Festival of Solutions.

The expert commission, which consists of representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency, and the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, has already selected us as one of the finalists.

The awards will be presented by the Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek, the director of SPIRIT Slovenia , dr. Tomaž Kostanjevec, director of the Digital Innovation Hub of Slovenia mag. Katja Mohar Bastar, from the Slovenian pavilion of the world exhibition Expo Dubai 2020, the winners will be announced by the Executive Director for Marketing and Sustainable Development at BTC Miha Mermal and the General Commissioner of Slovenia for Expo Matic Volk.

At Foreach Labs we always strive to create next level solutions based on cutting edge technologies that enable us to deliver advanced and innovative software solutions for the best companies out there. We are proud to be selected as one of the Most Innovative Companies of the Solutions Festival 2021. Thank you!

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