Foreach Labs – prva slovenska metaverse agencija na SI21

The world is becoming more connected and more virtualized, and so is Metaverse. Foreach Labs is a digital agency that is the first in Slovenia to deal with the construction of digital worlds in Metaverse and technologically advanced solutions such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented and Virtual Reality. This time we present our views […]
Foreach Labs predstavljen v majski številki revije Marketing Magazine

We founded Foreach Labs agency three years ago as three classmates from the faculty who started participating in one of the projects. Nik Orter, Dejan Krivec and Robi Pritržnik, as a team with the desire to cooperate in the future we established a joint venture. At that time, we were all employed elsewhere, but immediately […]
Startup Pill nas je nominiral za najboljše startup podjetje

Startup Pill showcases the top picks for the best Augmented Reality startups. They selected these startups for exceptional performance in one of these categories: InnovationGrowthManagementSocietal impactYou can view the selection here
Foreach Labs je sodeloval v podcastu Beyond Leadership

Podcasts feature individuals; from CEOs, directors of large corporations to founders of startups and outstanding academics), episode 62 also hosted Robi Pritržnik, founder and CEO of Foreach Labs, who took us to his startup world. The episode is entitled: Robi Pritržnik – “Corpo world against entrepreneurship”; it is a conversation from entrepreneurship, technology, networking to […]