Elementor #1295

Welcome to a New Horizon: Foreach Labs Evolves into Steerscape Foreach Labs has always been at the forefront of digital innovation, crafting solutions that not only meet the current demands but also anticipate the future. Today, we embark on a thrilling new chapter as Foreach Labs becomes Steerscape.   Steerscape represents our expanded vision to […]


Mobile application developed for iOS and Android


Aplikacija AR z mobilno izkušnjo z uporabo portalov AR in vizualizacije

Simbioza Genesis

Aplikacija AR z mobilno izkušnjo z uporabo portalov AR in vizualizacije

Pošta Slovenije

Aplikacija AR z mobilno izkušnjo z uporabo portalov AR in vizualizacije

Omembe vredno

Aplikacija AR z mobilno izkušnjo z uporabo portalov AR in vizualizacije

Spletna aplikacija GPX Guide

The Problem GPXguide needed a web application that would make it easy to create and save routes for hiking, biking and running. The application would allow users to easily plan their trips, share them with other users and discover new routes at the same time. The Solution To solve their problem, they decided to create […]

Foreach Labs – prva slovenska metaverse agencija na SI21

The world is becoming more connected and more virtualized, and so is Metaverse. Foreach Labs is a digital agency that is the first in Slovenia to deal with the construction of digital worlds in Metaverse and technologically advanced solutions such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented and Virtual Reality. This time we present our views […]